23 research outputs found


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    Today the business environment is characterized by the globalization of markets, rapid technical developments, the reduction of the life of products and activities, the benefits acquired traditionally are no longer assets on which companies can count for develop. Companies must look for new options to diversify their offerings and markets, which contributes to their growth and development and to finding relevant answers to the question of survival that may threaten its continuity. Our paper aims to clarify the determinants of the success of some companies, especially SMEs, by focusing on the links between innovation and the organizational performance of SMEs. So, the purpose of this paper is to explore and better understanding the effects of organizational innovations, process innovations, product innovations, and marketing innovations on the organizational performance of Moroccan SMEs, based on an empirical study covering 3 SMEs operating in three different sectors

    Tourisme et développement durable : le cas du Maroc

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    Le secteur touristique au Maroc représente aujourd’hui un gisement de croissance économique et de développement urbain, ne serait-ce que par l’ampleur des projets mis en oeuvre depuis quelques années, par le volume des sommes investies et par le poids des emplois créés. Ce papier esquisse ce que doit être la contribution des entreprises touristiques dans le développement durable marocain. Notre approche consiste à déduire son effet à travers une analyse empirique en se focalisant particulièrement sur la contribution des nouvelles entreprises qui sont créées ces dernières années. Le cas de la ville de Marrakech, en tant que pôle touristique marocain, nous paraît constituer un très bon exemple suite aux grands projets touristiques qui ont vu le jour très récemment dans la ville et à l’afflux des investisseurs.Currently the branch of tourism constitutes an important factor of economic growth and urban development in Morocco because of the recent blueprints, the amount of investment and the job creation. This paper outlines the desirable contribution of tourist firms to sustainable development in Morocco. Our approach consists in deducing this effect from an empirical analysis focused on the contribution of firms created during the last years. The city of Marrakech is an example of a center of tourist development that occurred thanks to the huge recent projects and the investment influx in tourism

    Understanding entrepreneurial failure of newly created firms in the Moroccan context: a multidimensional and exploratory analysis

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    The crucial role played by entrepreneurship in the socio-economic development of countries, and the high failure rates of newly-created businesses, which have a negative impact on wealth creation and national social indicators, testify to the relevance of increasing research into entrepreneurial failure. Nevertheless, interest in the subject on the national and international academic scene is relatively recent, at a time when efforts are much more focused on demonstrating models of success.  For this reason, this article is intended as a contribution to highlighting the specific features of this phenomenon in the Moroccan context. So, without seeking to identify causal links, the aim of this article is rather to raise variables in relation to which we could act to improve the survival conditions of newly-created businesses. For this reason, we have taken a holistic approach to our research. Since our main aim is to explore our context, we have chosen the multiple-case method as our methodological approach. Our findings point to twenty factors likely to explain failure, stemming from three levels: the external environment, the company and the entrepreneur. These constitute a guide around which corrective strategies aimed at longevity can be developed.   Keywords: entrepreneurial failure – new founded firms – liability of newness- liability of smallness JEL Classification: M31 Paper Type: Empirical Research  Le rĂ´le crucial de l’entrepreneuriat dans le dĂ©veloppement socioĂ©conomique des pays et les taux d’échec Ă©levĂ©s qu’enregistrent gĂ©nĂ©ralement les entreprises nouvellement crĂ©Ă©es, ce qui se rĂ©percute, ainsi, d’une façon nĂ©gative sur la richesse crĂ©Ă©e et les indicateurs sociaux nationaux, tĂ©moignent de la pertinence de multiplier les recherches au sujet de l’échec entrepreneurial. NĂ©anmoins, l’intĂ©rĂŞt qu’on lui porte dans la scène acadĂ©mique nationale comme Ă  l’international est relativement rĂ©cent, et ce au moment oĂą les efforts sont concentrĂ©s, beaucoup plus, sur la mise en Ă©vidente des modèles de succès.  De ce fait, nous inscrivons cet article en contribution dans la mise en Ă©vidence des spĂ©cificitĂ©s de ce phĂ©nomène dans le contexte marocain. Ainsi, sans chercher Ă  identifier des liens de causalitĂ©, l’objectif de cet article reste plutĂ´t de soulever des variables par rapport auxquels on pourrait agir pour amĂ©liorer les conditions de survie des entreprises nouvellement crĂ©Ă©es. De ce fait, nous avons inscrit notre recherche dans une perspective holistique. Étant donnĂ© que nous visons principalement l’exploration de notre contexte, nous avons choisi la mĂ©thode des cas multiples en tant qu’approche mĂ©thodologique. Nos rĂ©sultats soulèvent vingt facteurs susceptibles d’expliquer l’échec, et qui sont issus de trois niveaux Ă  savoir : l’environnement externe, l’entreprise et l’entrepreneur. Ceux-ci constituent un guide autour duquel des stratĂ©gies correctives visant la longĂ©vitĂ© des entreprises nouvellement crĂ©Ă©es peuvent ĂŞtre conçues.   Mots clĂ©s : Ă©chec entrepreneurial – entreprise nouvellement crĂ©Ă©es – handicap de nouveautĂ© – handicap de petitesse JEL Classification : M31 Type de l’article : Recherche empiriqu


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    The problem of the relationship between the company and the natural environment is presented in the literature as a controversial field, some researchers have not stopped accumulating arguments to prove a positive relationship between the integration of the environment and the company's performance, while others confirm the traditional approach, which considers pollution as a negative externality, the consideration of which has a negative impact on the company's performance. This debate has legitimized the emergence of entrepreneurial design to help overcome the current theoretical controversies, showing that the integration of the natural environment is a risky business, whose results are uncertain, which requires an entrepreneurial process. In this sense we have built our research object to extend the concept of green entrepreneurship to overcome some limitations of the existing theoretical framework. The entrepreneurial conception of the natural environment has allowed us to propose a continuum that illustrates the different levels of integration of the natural environment through the company's ability to trigger and succeed in a green entrepreneurial process


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    Today, with the growing awareness of the corporate world of social, environmental and societal issues, a need for accompaniment is being expressed more and more. Yet, there is little academic theorization about how these advisers intervene, or need to intervene. And when it exists, it considers companies as a homogeneous whole, and even those who realize the heterogeneity of the business world, it is satisfied with the distinction based on size: large company, SME. However, to our knowledge, rare, even non-existent, are the work that call the accompanying persons to integrate in their approach to accompany the particularism of family businesses. In this sense, our objective in this paper is to provide some recommendations that we deem necessary in any intervention of accompaniment in CSR approach in the context of family businesses

    L’ impact de covid-19 et les mesures de résilience pour la relance de l’économie nationale

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    Le présent article a pour objectif de mieux cerner et comprendre les retombées de la crise sanitaire COVID-19 sur l’économie nationale, sur la base d'une analyse descriptive à travers 5 approches fondamentales afin d’en proposer un plan stratégique de résilience pour la relance de l’économie et la performance des entreprises dans une perspective de transformation innovante de notre économie. Le plan stratégique de résilience économique et organisationnelle proposé dans ce papier s’attache à formuler des propositions pour répondre de façon urgente et efficace à cette double crise économique et sociale. Ce plan est donc global à l’image des crises actuelles mais les mesures proposées se veulent concrètes et spécifiques visant à accélérer la transition vers un écosystème sain et durable


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    Since the publication of the Brundtland report "Our Common Future" in 1987, researchers in management sciences, particularly those in the business and society field, wanted to propose conceptions reconciling the environment, the social and the company performance. Therefore, the theoretical and empirical researches were much oriented towards promoting the idea of a possible convergence between the three dimensions of sustainable development. The stakeholder theory through its normative and instrumental dimensions was in the most this work the theoretical "shelter" to legitimate and defend this thesis. However, unlike displayed wishes, sustainability complexity emerges and imposes itself progressively. Especially after the year 2010, empirical researches recognize, increasingly, the existence of contradictions, tensions and paradox related to the corporate sustainability. This paradoxical aspect of sustainability is usually hidden in the line of traditional research. A position that needs to be revisited. In our view, this position is explained by the extensive researchers use of the stakeholder theory, the foundations of which are silent, or at least do not adequately treat the obvious opposition of the interests of stakeholders. To help fill this gap, this theoretical communication, is part of a conceptual movement "paradoxical" already underway and proposes a conceptual shift to the paradox theory as a promising new theoretical perspective for understanding the corporate sustainability. By relying on the limits of the conceptual framework provided by the stakeholder theory

    Analyse des antécédents de la résistance favorable au changement organisationnel durant la crise de COVID

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    The spread of the coronavirus in 2020 and the pandemic declared by the WHO has had several impacts on businesses around the world. Industry, services and even other mining and agricultural activities have been interrupted. This has affected the economy in general and businesses in particular. The government tried to contain the spread of the virus while maintaining business activities. However, some businesses have had to change their way of operating and adapt to the current situation. Different working methods have been introduced, including teleworking, staff rotation, digitalisation of procedures, etc. As a result, employees in all Moroccan companies have been affected. Companies have been able to trace the impact of these changes on the work of their employees. To do this, they started to analyze the performance indicators of their employees to see if there were problems with these changes. In this article, we will try to analyze the context that allows a favourable resistance to change (acceptance of change). We have chosen the banking sector for this purpose because the widespread use of COVID has led to some changes in this sector. We apply structural equation modeling to understand the impact of certain variables on favourable resistance to change. This study was conducted among employees of a Moroccan bank. We were able to collect 99 responses which were used to test the impact of the explanatory variables. The results show that favourable resistance to change during a crisis, in particular the COVID19 crisis we are witnessing today, is determined by employees' perceptions of the benefits of change and flexibility. However, given the insignificant impact of the organisational involvement variable on the variables to be explained, this was not supported in this analysis. The results of this study could help organisations to better adapt to the changes that the current situation in Morocco and, in particular, the global health situation may bring. However, this study should be complemented by a qualitative analysis of managers and change agents to obtain a more detailed understanding of the disruptions caused by the current crisis.   JEL Classification : M12 Paper type: Empirical researchLa propagation du coronavirus en 2020 et la pandĂ©mie dĂ©clarĂ©e par l'OMS ont eu plusieurs impacts sur les entreprises du monde entier. L'industrie, les services et mĂŞme d'autres activitĂ©s minières et agricoles ont Ă©tĂ© interrompus. Cela a affectĂ© l'Ă©conomie en gĂ©nĂ©ral et les entreprises en particulier. Les pouvoirs publics ont tentĂ© de contenir la propagation du virus tout en maintenant les activitĂ©s commerciales. Pourtant, certaines entreprises ont dĂ» changer leur mode de fonctionnement et s'adapter Ă  la situation actuelle. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de travail ont Ă©tĂ© introduites, notamment le tĂ©lĂ©travail, la rotation du personnel, la digitalisation des procĂ©dures, etc. Par consĂ©quent, les employĂ©s de toutes les entreprises marocaines ont Ă©tĂ© touchĂ©s. Des entreprises ont pu retracer l'impact de ces changements sur le travail de leurs employĂ©s. Pour cela, elles ont commencĂ© Ă  analyser les indicateurs de performance de leurs employĂ©s pour voir si ces changements posaient des problèmes. Dans cet article, nous allons essayer d'analyser le contexte qui permet une rĂ©sistance favorable au changement (acceptation du changement). Nous avons choisi le secteur bancaire Ă  cette fin, car l'utilisation gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e de COVID a conduit Ă  certains changements dans ce secteur. Nous appliquons une modĂ©lisation par Ă©quations structurelles pour comprendre l'impact de certaines variables sur la rĂ©sistance favorable au changement. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e auprès des employĂ©s d'une banque marocaine. Nous avons pu recueillir 99 rĂ©ponses qui ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour tester l'impact des variables explicatives. Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu'une rĂ©sistance favorable au changement pendant une crise, en particulier la crise COVID19 Ă  laquelle nous assistons aujourd'hui, est dĂ©terminĂ©e par les perceptions des avantages du changement et de la flexibilitĂ© des employĂ©s. Cependant, Ă©tant donnĂ© l'impact non significatif de la variable d’implication organisationnelle sur les variables Ă  expliquer, ceci n'a pas Ă©tĂ© soutenu dans cette analyse. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude pourraient aider les organisations Ă  mieux s'adapter aux changements que pourrait entraĂ®ner la situation actuelle au Maroc et, en particulier, la situation sanitaire mondiale. Toutefois, cette Ă©tude devrait ĂŞtre complĂ©tĂ©e par une analyse qualitative des responsables et des agents de changement afin d'obtenir une comprĂ©hension plus dĂ©taillĂ©e des perturbations causĂ©es par la crise actuelle     Classification JEL:  M12 Type de l’article : Recherche appliquĂ©